Monday, June 11, 2012

Relationships: Wag More, Bark Less (How to Create Instant Change in Your Relationships)

Driving along a few days ago I saw a bumper sticker on the back of a car that said... Wag More, Bark Less. Now I know the sticker was talking about dogs, but what if you followed that same advice for your relationships? What if you started looking for men that wagged more and barked less? Or better yet, what if you were the one that wagged more and barked less? Wouldn't your life be so much more fun surrounded by wagging tails instead of barking dogs?

How do you tell if you have a barker in your life? They are actually pretty easy to spot. They are those negative people in your life. They complain about everything. They put you down, they don't support you. They figure the only way to talk to you is to scream and yell. They're miserable and they want you miserable too.

Waggers on the other hand, they see the positive in people and situations. They are all about supporting you and treating you with love and respect. They realize that they don't need to scream to be heard. To them life is a party and they want you to come and join the fun.

So you realize that you're in a relationship with a what? Well the first rule in animal training is to never reward bad behavior. So when that man of your starts into his barking ways... ignore him. Yes... ignore him. Just let that barking run it's course. Barking back at him won't do you any good. You'll just end up with a sore throat. You have to wait until the barking session is over to try to change the behavior. Then get your man's attention and show him how to be a wagger.

But what if you realize that you're the barker in your relationship? Congratulations, you've just taken the first step to changing your behavior... awareness. Next, decide if you really want to change and then take daily actions like a wagger. Look for the positive in people and situations. Lower your voice. Do something as simple as put a smile on your face. Give someone a compliment. Don't worry about being a better wagger than someone else, just focus on being a better wagger today than you were yesterday. And before you know it... there's no more barking and you're just wagging your way through your life.

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