Friday, July 13, 2012

The Best Way To Enjoy Your Friends And Endure Your Enemies

If you are going to live a life without angst, anger and aggression, you have to simplify.

If you are consistently in a state of irritation, you are going to have to decide.

If you are constantly having arguments, you are going to have to change.

If you want to have a fun-filled life full of love, you have to be proactive.

I have distilled life into a wonderfully simple formula - LOVE OR AVOID.

Either LOVE the people in your life, or AVOID them.

If you LOVE them, then LOVE them unconditionally, be happy for them, be proud of them, want the best for them, and above all, enjoy them.

If you are irritated by the people in your life, then AVOID them - if you AVOID them for long enough, you'll end up getting rid of them completely, and that is a good thing.

Now, I am not so naive as to think that we can only LOVE OR AVOID people; I am aware that we live in the real world and we have to deal with real situations; I have a solution for that too -

When confronted with people (at work or at play) who we would rather AVOID, then it simply requires a change of attitude - we just have to remember that this interaction is temporary, not permanent, and therefore we can deal with it because it is unAVOIDable at present and AVOIDable in the end.

The above advice does not include family issues - these are to be AVOIDed at all costs if they cause pain, suffering, anger or irritation - I have long taught that family members should not be given special abuse privileges just because "they are family" - that is a fool's game.

With family issues, I always prescribe AVOIDance - do not endure Thanksgiving, Christmas or Chanukah with people you cannot stand because "they are family"; do not waste days of your life or money in your bank account on people who give you little to no pleasure; do not be suckered into thinking you should be involved with people you have nothing in common with just because "they are family" - that does nobody any favors.

It is time that we were able to design our lives to suit ourselves rather than accepting the life we were given.

We should spend time with people we LOVE.

We should AVOID all others.

And if we are caught in a situation that requires spending time with people we would rather AVOID, then we should do our level best to keep the interaction quick and painless (or amusing and hilarious).

LOVE OR AVOID is a simple mantra for a simple life that leads to a better quality of living.

Listen. Learn. Enact.

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