Wednesday, July 11, 2012

An Important Lesson From The School Of Life

As convenient as SCHOOL may or may not be...

As inconvenient as LIFE may or may not be...

There is one thing for sure - LIFE is a far better teacher than SCHOOL.

Yet, SCHOOL seems to be the education we adhere to, forgetting that LIFE is what we have to deal with.

Is it not time that we listened to what LIFE is telling us?

Is it not time that we educated our children about LIFE (instead of SCHOOLing them with fairy tales)?

Is it not time to be honest with ourselves and our children, and actually admit that most of what we accept is a total lie?

The standard education system tells us that success is financial - it totally ignores the physical and the emotional.

The current system of education does not teach anyone how to be a parent - it teaches us how to be dependent.

The American school system is considering pizza as a vegetable because of the tomato sauce - god help me... oh, I forgot, if there was a god, she would not have allowed us to be so stupid.

When will we actually begin to teach our children what they really need to know?

And when will we start to accept what we already know?

LIFE is difficult - we all know that.

Relationships are hard work - we all hope not.

The financial system is a mess - we all wish it wasn't.

The health of the population of the United States is a joke - we all laugh at that.

Instead of teaching our children that they should spend more than they earn so they do not have to confront any form of responsibility; instead of telling ourselves that we know how to parent without even considering how ill-prepared we truly are; instead of pretending that a pill will make us healthy; instead of believing that there is one person on this planet who is perfect for us - why don't we stop...

And think...

And look at how LIFE really is...

And then work within the reality of money, health and relationships...

The SCHOOL OF LIFE is very clear if you open your eyes.

The SCHOOL OF LIFE repeats its lessons over and over and over again.

Start learning from the SCHOOL OF LIFE -

The financial markets go round and round in circles - highs and lows.

Relationships that blossom too soon will implode quickly - the good ones build calmly.

If you eat too much and do not exercise you will be fat - and there are no excuses when it comes to weight.

Start to look at the SCHOOL OF LIFE and you will begin to see that spending more than you earn is a fool's game; that depending on someone else for emotional or financial stability is a losing game; that refusing to exercise whilst indulging yourself is a fat person's game; that waiting for someone else to complete you is a weak game.

Don't be miseducated by the fairy tales, the fantasy, the lies, the religions, the hopes and dreams of the past, or the desperation of the future - be intelligent, open your eyes, accept the truth and live by the rules of the SCHOOL OF LIFE.

The SCHOOL OF LIFE rewards the individual, exalts the independent, admires the respectful and encourages fairness for all...

But the SCHOOL OF LIFE does not graduate the weak, the needy or the desperate...

Always maintain a sense of self, a sense of achievement, a sense of independence, a sense of reality and the ability to be better than your past - then the SCHOOL OF LIFE will be worth the cost of the education it delivers.

This news article is brought to you by BABY-BOOMERS - where latest news are our top priority.

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