Sunday, July 8, 2012

Online Body Enhancing To Get Friends, Dates, and Build Relationships Might Be a Mistake

The other day, I was trying to figure out how come so many people with so little experience were able to send out friendship requests on various social networks, specifically those designed for businesses, and within a day or two, they had 400 friends or more. I would say that much of it has to do with doctored photographs, or pictures that perhaps aren't even theirs. In the future this won't be an available tactic due to FRT or facial recognition technology.

Long ago, I had a vendor who had modified his photographs to make himself look as if he had an incredible chiseled body. In reality he did not, but he said by posting those photos online he was able to get more dates, as in girlfriends, and female clientele. However, it would seem to me that eventually the gals he was dating would find out that his body was less than adequate, at least compared to the picture. He wasn't grossly overweight, or ugly or anything like that, but the photos had obviously been Photoshopped.

In rationalizing this, he said it shouldn't matter because often people get body enhancements, facelifts, boob jobs, and what have you, and that isn't the real them either. However, to this comment I would suggest that it is fairer in that case because you get what you see. Whereas Photoshop trickery is almost like bait and switch, it is photograph manipulation and false inducement, and if that were in the business world it would be considered misleading advertising, dishonest marketing, and downright fraudulent.

Indeed, I suppose everyone wants to have good-looking friends on their Facebook page, or on their social network, but if those pictures aren't real, or they've been manipulated, then one has to ask what is the purpose of having fake pictures from less-than-ethical people littered across your social networking page as friends? In many regards we live in a fake world, as people wear suits to prove that they have leadership ability or business sense, and people go out of their way to use nice strong adjectives on their resumes.

Yes, I get all that, it seems to be human nature to pump up your chest to attract the opposite sex. So, is this just another form or extension of an innate characteristic of human beings? If so should it really matter? Or, perhaps you are like me in my thinking, and find that most of this nonsense has gone too far, and it's absolutely unacceptable behavior, and it only leads to hurt feelings, lack of trust, rather than any sort of "winning friends and influencing people" motif. Indeed I hope you will please consider all that and think on it.

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