Monday, July 9, 2012

Relationships: To Leash or Not To Leash (That Is The Question)

I was in the pet store this afternoon looking at buying leashes for my cats. I know what you're thinking, a leash for a cat, what are you crazy? I'm not crazy, I just love my pets and I want to find ways to enrich their lives. I figured it was a better option then the covered baby stroller.

Well I didn't come home with a leash, but the whole process did get me to thinking. Does letting a man have "off leash" time strengthen your relationship with him?

Here is a great example of what I'm talking about. I live in Southern California and on Sundays I love to go to a place called Dog Beach. It's a small beach that allows people to bring their dogs and let them "off leash" to play. Every Sunday people arrive at the beach with their dogs. There are dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds with one thing in common, they are all excited and can't wait for their owners to unclip that leash and let them run and play.

Once that leash is unclipped, every single dog goes sprinting towards the water. And then something amazing happens, they realize that they've gone too far away from their owners and they come running back. I imagine if they could talk, they would be saying to their owners, "Hurry up! It's going to be so much fun! But you have to be there so you can have fun too!" It wasn't a leash that brought them back, they came back because they wanted there owners to share in the fun.

After playing in the surf and chasing the other dogs around, it's time to go home. As the owners head back to their waiting cars, their dogs are trotting by their side, just as happy as can be and amazingly not a leash in site. As they get closer to the street the leashes get clipped back on, and the dogs don't seem to mind at all. Probably because they know that come next Sunday, they'll get to do it all over again.

So maybe, if we let our men "off their leash" on a regular basis, they would have the same reaction. They would run off to have fun, but realize they wanted us with them. And when play time was over, and the leash goes back on, they wouldn't mind it so much because they would know that they'll get to have some more "off leash" time real soon.

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